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Revolutionising urban transport with a new Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) 

9 juillet 2024

Addressing the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change is a top priority for public authorities worldwide. Europe is committed to reducing CO2 levels by 2030 and achieving complete climate neutrality by 2050. In this context, the need for sustainable mobility solutions is more urgent than ever. In this context, sustainable mobility solutions have never been more critical. While zero-emission vehicles are part of the solution, their widespread adoption still faces barriers such as high costs and concerns about charging infrastructure. ZEV-UP aims to overcome these challenges by developing a user-centric, modular, and fully zero-emission battery electric vehicle (BEV). 

Launched in January 2024, this new EU-funded project targets both established and emerging markets for passenger and goods transport. The ZEV-UP vehicle will be compact, affordable, and modular, offering greater convenience and flexibility to the user through a unique swappable battery system. This system increases driving range and minimises downtime, as the battery can be replaced quickly and easily. This will also pave the way for new business and usage models, such as Battery as a Service, where users lease the battery instead of owning it, significantly reducing vehicle costs. 

The ZEV-UP vehicle will be available in three variants to cater to diverse needs. The primary variant is a compact two-seater car designed for daily urban use, perfectly tailored to the urban user’s needs. The two additional variants will make use of a longer four-seater wheelbase, suitable for families and small businesses. This variant can be converted into a two-seater commercial vehicle with a cargo area for transporting goods. 

With sustainability at its core, ZEV-UP ensures that all three variants share common components and are constructed using lighter materials, with spare parts produced locally to ensure durability and reduce operational and maintenance costs. The use of a Digital Twin—a virtual tool for development and validation—will further improve efficiency, cutting down on development time and costs. 

To ensure real-world viability and user acceptance, the ZEV-UP vehicle will be tested in real conditions in Budapest and Istanbul. The demonstrations will be carried out in different conditions and environments to evaluate the design of the vehicles and well as the technological innovations introduced by the project. 

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